Sunday 30 June 2013

First Adventures into Striping tape

Hey guys,

Today I'm gonna show you my first striping tape mani. I was so proud of this that I thought I would share it with you guys. I apologise for the terrible phone pictures but as I did this while I was studying for my exams I wasn't really thinking straight.

The striping tape I used was purchased from Born Pretty Store which I have a link to on my side bar. I was afraid to use the tape at first but I'm so glad I took the plunge, it's so easy to use and looks incredibly cool.

The polishes I used were A-england Camelot as the base colour and Sally Hansen Glided lily as the topper. The most important thing to remember when using striping tape is that your base colour must be bone dry, because if it isn't the tape could lift the polish off with it. You can either use a fast dry top coat or wait until the day after you've painted the base. The latter is what I chose to do purely because I was nervous as hell!

So after my base was dry I cut pieces of tape roughly a couple of cm in length and placed them on my nails in the geometric designs I chose, make sure if you are doing this that the tape is pressed tight against the nail as some lines may not come out as straight if you don't. Next I painted over the tape with Glided lily and removed the strips of tape immediately after. Removing the tape immediately prevents the polish from hardening on the tape and possibly bringing your lovely art with them. 

As always I topped them off with Essence Better than gel nails fast dry top coat and cleaned up any polish around my cuticles. I hope you like this nail art as much as I did.

Emily x


  1. nice nails, love your blog

  2. These look great, I can never get my striping tape to behave... but I got it off Ebay so maybe I'll have to try the Born Pretty Store stuff instead

    1. Ah I have a thing about ebay I just can't trust it :/ and Born Pretty are amazing for all their stuff great value and free shipping! Btdubs your blog name is FANTASTIC :D
