Saturday 3 August 2013

Dot you just love it

Hey Guys,

Some nail art for ye, finally. Just a simple dotticure as they are super easy and quick and to be honest I've never done one before.

The bottle pictured is My vampire is buff

The Polishes I used were all OPI,
The off white being My vampire is buff, the orange My paprika is hotter than yours, the pink Koala Bear-y (tee hee), the blue Eurso euro and the green Don't talk bach to me. My vampire is buff is on the slightly thin side as I needed three coats for it which is a shame, its the perfect base colour for nail art.

I tried to do a type of gradient and an accent nail of all dots but I kind wish I had left it all gradient. They would just look better that way I think anyway.

This was a super cute mani, so cute in fact my mam asked me to do it on her nails. Which is a big deal as she always just goes for a plain colour, so I was super proud of that. I think I will be picking up the dotting tool again for some nail art in the future. It'll be nice to get to know it better :P.

 Emily x


  1. This is super cute! I love the accent nail as a point of difference too.

  2. 'Dotticure' - I'm always surprised that these are actual words! I liked the accent nail myself, I liked that all the nails were slightly different.

    1. well then, it turned out better then expected if ye two both disagree with me :D never been more happy to be wrong
